Whitelist an IP in CSF for remote MySQL connections

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Untuk melakukan remote MySQL dengan menggunakan IP tertentu dapat dilakukan penambahan di konfigurasi CSF. Berikut panduannya

Edit File /etc/csf/csf.allow

################# ########################## # Copyright 2006-2017, Way to the Web Limited
# URL: http://www.configserver.com
# Email: [email protected]
####################### ########################## # The following IP addresses will be allowed through iptables.
# One IP address per line.
# CIDR addressing allowed with a quaded IP (e.g.
# Only list IP addresses, not domain names (they will be ignored)
# Advanced port+ip filtering allowed with the following format
# tcp/udp|in/out|s/d=port|s/d=ip
# See readme.txt for more information
# Note: IP addressess listed in this file will NOT be ignored by lfd, so they
# can still be blocked. If you do not want lfd to block an IP address you must
# add it to csf.ignore

Tambahkan IP yang mau di whitelist


Restart CSF dan silahkan dicoba kembali.